Easy Plus Size Halloween Costume Ideas!

Easy Plus Size Halloween Costume Ideas
Halloween is approaching, which means it's time to start putting together a Halloween costume. No matter what kind of event you're attending this Halloween — even if you're just staying at home and handing out tricks or treats — you'll want to dress the part. Halloween is a celebration and celebrations should not be stressful. This Halloween, create more fun and less stress by creating an easy, plus size Halloween costume.
One of the most popular costume ideas for Halloween is a witch costume. While many people go all out to create the most elaborate witch costume possible, you needn't spend a great deal of money to look the part. Your most figure-flattering black dress will do just fine. Pair it with a classic straw broom (or make one of your own with a large stick and some raffia), and pick up a witch hat, like this purple and black witch hat. You can add some extra dark makeup for additional help, but it's not necessary. The dress and hat are enough to let everyone know that you can cast spells and make brews!
If you'd rather be less cliche and more sexy, go for something simple yet mysterious, such as a librarian costume. A librarian costume is very simple. A form-fitting, plus size button up under a vest or a blazer looks great paired with a plaid skirt and black stockings. You can finish off the look with Mary Janes and a wig with glasses.
Finally, if you'd rather be something spooky, why not shake up a party by going as a dead Colonial-period girl? You'll simply need a plus size Colonial style dress (or you can put together your own with thrift store finds — a floor-length a-line skirt, button up, and an apron will suffice), a Colonial wig (or you can curl your own hair at home) and some FX makeup to give yourself a "dead" look. Add some fake blood and you're ready to be the scare of the town!
Putting together a plus size Halloween costume doesn't have to break the bank. By picking and choosing single pieces and blending them with other pieces that you already own, you can save time and create a costume that no one else can buy in stores.